Sunday, May 5, 2013


This morning marked the longest run I've done to date: 2 hours and 45 minutes. I think I did about 18 miles total. All I keep thinking about is how I'm almost there. I just have three more weeks until the Buffalo Marathon. Three weeks, the race and then I'm done. No more marathons... I feel as though the stress of running all those miles, both on my body and my mind, is more than I care to do again. I'm happy that I've come this far and excited for the race itself. There's light at the end of the tunnel!

Anyways, after running all those miles, I wanted something that I haven't had it quite some time: pancakes. I know I posted a while back about some banana/almond butter concoction that didn't really work out so well. I have since found a recipe that's Paleo and works!

Gelatin Coconut Flour Pancakes

I used this recipe, by Lauren Geertsen, of Empowered Sustenance. She has an amazing site and some really wonderful recipes!

  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1/2 tbsp grass-fed gelatin
  • 2 eggs, at room temperature
  • 1/2 heaping tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • a pinch of salt
  • ~1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • Coconut oil, for the pan
  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat. 
  • Whisk together the coconut flour and gelatin (I just used a fork). 
  • Add the eggs and stir until the mix is smooth.
  • Add the coconut oil and stir until combined.
  • Add the coconut milk and stir again.
  • Add the coconut oil to the hot skillet.
  • Spoon out a small amount of the batter into the skillet (I used a couple tablespoons per pancake and ended up with 5 altogether). Cook until the edges are opaque and the center starts to look the same way. Flip and cook for another couple of minutes, or until the underside is golden brown.
  • Serve with some maple syrup or honey or whatever you like!
I will admit that I made this recipe pretty much directly as written by Lauren (please check out her site!) I just added a touch of cinnamon and made a half batch. I'm so excited to finally find a good, Paleo friendly pancake recipe that doesn't call for nut flours and doesn't fall apart! I never thought to use gelatin in a pancake, but it totally works.

Let me just say that these are TASTY! They're not sweet like you might think with a typical pancake. They remind me more of a crepe, with a slight coconut flavor. I topped mine with a little pure maple syrup and served them with some avocado, some leftover collard greens cooked with ham hocks and some wild boar pate. There's a little bit of everything in this breakfast, but it's so worth it just for the pancakes!

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